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Art. 314c1C. Protecziun dals uffants / VI. Procedura / 5. Dretgs d’annunzia
Art. 314e1C. Protecziun dals uffants / VI. Procedura / 7. Cooperaziun ed agid uffizial

Art. 314d1C. Protecziun dals uffants / VI. Procedura / 6. Obligaziuns d’annunzia

6. Obligaziuns d’annunzia

1 Uschenavant ch’ellas n’èn betg suttamessas al secret professiunal tenor il Cudesch penal svizzer2, èn las suandantas persunas obligadas da far in’annunzia, sch’i existan indizis concrets che l’integritad corporala, psichica u sexuala d’in uffant saja periclitada e sch’ellas na pon betg eliminar la periclitaziun en il rom da lur activitad:

persunas spezialisadas dals secturs medischina, psicologia, tgira, assistenza, educaziun, furmaziun, cussegliaziun sociala, religiun e sport, che han regularmain contact cun uffants en il rom da lur activitad professiunala;
persunas che vegnan a savair d’in tal cas en il rom da lur activitad uffiziala.

2 Tgi che fa l’annunzia a sia persuna superiura, ademplescha medemamain l’obligaziun d’annunzia.

3 Ils chantuns pon prevair ulteriuras obligaziuns d’annunzia.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 15 da dec. 2017 (protecziun d’uffants), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2019 (AS 2018 2947; BBl 2015 3431).
2 SR 311.0

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Art. 314c1C. Child protection / VI. Procedure / 5. Right to notify
Art. 314e1C. Child protection / VI. Procedure / 7. Cooperation and administrative assistance

Art. 314d1C. Child protection / VI. Procedure / 6. Duty to notify

6. Duty to notify

1 The following persons, provided they are not subject to professional confidentiality under the Swiss Criminal Code2, are obliged to report if there are clear indications that the physical, psychological or sexual integrity of a child is at risk and that they cannot remedy the threat as part of their professional activities:

specialists from the fields of medicine, psychology, care services, childcare, education, counselling, religion and sport who have regular contact with children;
persons who learn of such a case in their official capacity.

2 The duty to notify is fulfilled when a person notifies a superior.

3 The cantons may provide for further notification obligations.

1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 15 Dec. 2017 (Child Protection), in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 2947; BBl 2015 3431).
2 SR 311.0 (2009-2021) - A propos
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