141.0 Lescha federala dals 20 da zercladur 2014 davart l'acquist e la perdita dal dretg da burgais svizzer (Lescha davart il dretg da burgais, LDB)

141.0 Federal Act of 20 June 2014 on Swiss Citizenship (Swiss Citizenship Act, SCA)

Art. 24 Uffant d’in genitur natiralisà

1 In uffant ester ch’era minoren cur ch’in genitur ha inoltrà la dumonda da natiralisaziun e che n’è betg vegnì inclus en la natiralisaziun dal genitur, po inoltrar – avant la cumplenida dal 22. onn da vegliadetgna – ina dumonda per ina natiralisaziun facilitada, sch’el cumprova ina dimora da totalmain 5 onns en Svizra, e trais da quels directamain avant l’inoltraziun da la dumonda.

2 L’uffant natiralisà acquista il dretg da burgais dal genitur svizzer.

Art. 24 Children of a naturalised parent

1 A foreign child who was a minor at the time his or her parent applied for naturalisation and who was not included in the naturalisation application may apply for simplified naturalisation before the age of 22 if he or she can prove at least five years’ residence in Switzerland, including at least three years immediately prior to making the application.

2 The naturalised child acquires the citizenship of the Swiss parent.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.