210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 389 B. Subsidiarity and proportionality

1 The adult protection authority shall order a measure if:

support for the person in need offered by his or her family, other closely related persons or private or public services is or proves to be insufficient;
where the person in need is no longer capable of judgement, he or she has failed to make any or sufficient arrangements for his or her own care and the statutory measures are insufficient.

2 Any official measure must be necessary and suitable.

Art. 388 A. But

1 Les mesures prises par l’autorité de protection de l’adulte garantissent l’assistance et la protection de la personne qui a besoin d’aide.

2 Elles préservent et favorisent autant que possible leur autonomie.


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