210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 381 E. Intervention by the adult protection authority

1 The adult protection authority shall establish a representative deputyship if there is no representative available or the representative does not wish to exercise the right to act.

2 It shall appoint a representative or establish a representative deputyship if:

it is unclear who has a right to act as representative
the persons with a right to act as representative are unable to agree; or
the interests of the person lacking capacity of judgement are endangered or no longer safeguarded.

3 It shall act at the request of the doctor, another closely associated person or ex officio.

Art. 380 D. Traitement des troubles psychiques

Le traitement des troubles psychiques d’une personne incapable de discernement placée dans un établissement psychiatrique est régi par les règles sur le placement à des fins d’assistance.


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