Index Fichier unique

Art. 958 B. Registration / I. Land register entries / 1. Ownership and rights in rem
Art. 960 B. Registration / I. Land register entries / 2. Priority notices / b. Restrictions on powers of disposal

Art. 959 B. Registration / I. Land register entries / 2. Priority notices / a. Personal rights

2. Priority notices

a. Personal rights

1 Personal rights may be entered under priority notice in the land register where such notices are expressly provided for by law, as is the case for a right of pre-emption, right of repurchase, right of purchase, usufructuary lease and tenancy.

2 By virtue of being entered under priority notice, they may be invoked against any rights subsequently acquired.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 958 B. Inscripziun / I. Inscripziuns en il register funsil / 1. Proprietad e dretgs reals
Art. 960 B. Inscripziun / I. Inscripziuns en il register funsil / 2. Prenotaziuns: / b. Restricziuns dal dretg da disponer

Art. 959 B. Inscripziun / I. Inscripziuns en il register funsil / 2. Prenotaziuns: / a. Dretgs persunals

2. Prenotaziuns:

a. Dretgs persunals

1 Dretgs persunals pon vegnir prenotads en il register funsil, sche quai è previs explicitamain da la lescha, sco en cas dal dretg da precumpra e dal dretg da recumpra, dal dretg da cumpra e dals contracts da fittanza e da locaziun.

2 Cun la prenotaziun en il register funsil survegnan els forza e vigur vers tut ils auters dretgs che vegnan acquistads pli tard. (2009-2021) - A propos
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