Index Fichier unique

Art. 912 B. Pawning / III. Redemption of the pawned chattel / 1. Right of redemption
Art. 914 C. Purchase with right of repurchase

Art. 913 B. Pawning / III. Redemption of the pawned chattel / 2. Pawnbroker’s rights

2. Pawnbroker’s rights

1 On redemption the pawnbroker is entitled to charge interest for the full current month.

2 If the pawnbroker has expressly reserved the right to return the pawned chattel to any bearer of the pawn receipt, he or she may do so as long as he or she does not know and could not reasonably be expected to know that the bearer acquired the receipt unlawfully.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 912 B. Dretg d’emprest cunter pegn / III. Retratga dal pegn / 1. Dretg da retrair
Art. 914 C. Cumpra cun il patg da recumpra

Art. 913 B. Dretg d’emprest cunter pegn / III. Retratga dal pegn / 2. Dretgs da l’institut

2. Dretgs da l’institut

1 Sch’il pegn vegn retratg, ha l’institut il dretg da pretender il tschains per l’entir mais current.

2 Sche l’institut ha resalvà expressivamain da dastgar restituir il pegn a mintgin che preschenta la retschavida da pegn, po el far diever da quest dretg, nun ch’el saveva u dueva savair ch’il preschentader da la retschavida haja survegnì quella en possess en moda incorrecta u en moda betg permessa. (2009-2021) - A propos
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