Index Fichier unique

Art. 887 A. Pegn manual / I. Constituziun / 4. Impegnaziun tras il creditur
Art. 889 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 2. Obligaziun da restituir

Art. 888 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 1. Perdita dal possess

II. Fin

1. Perdita dal possess

1 Il dretg da pegn va a fin, uschespert ch’il creditur na posseda betg pli la chaussa impegnada e na po er betg pretender enavos quella da terzs possessurs.

2 Il dretg da pegn n’ha nagin effect uschè ditg che la chaussa sa chatta – cun il consentiment dal creditur – en la pussanza exclusiva da l’impegnader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 887 A. Pledges / I. Establishment / 4. Further pledge by pledgee
Art. 889 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 2. Return

Art. 888 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 1. Loss of possession

II. Extinction

1. Loss of possession

1 The general lien is extinguished once the pledgee no longer possesses the pledged chattel and is unable to demand its return from third parties.

2 The effects of the lien are suspended as long as the pledger has exclusive possession of the pledged chattel with the pledgee’s consent. (2009-2021) - A propos
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