Index Fichier unique

Art. 876-8831
Art. 885 A. Pegn manual / I. Constituziun / 2. Impegnaziun da muvel

Art. 884 A. Pegn manual / I. Constituziun / 1. Possess dal creditur

A. Pegn manual

I. Constituziun

1. Possess dal creditur

1 Cun resalva da las excepziuns previsas da la lescha pon chaussas moviblas vegnir impegnadas mo, sche lur possess vegn transferì sin il creditur.

2 La persuna che retschaiva en buna fai ina chaussa en pegn survegn il dretg da pegn da quella, er sche l’impegnader n’aveva betg il dretg da disponer da la chaussa; ils dretgs da terzas persunas sin questa chaussa che derivan da l’anteriur possess restan resalvads.

3 Il dretg da pegn n’exista betg uschè ditg che l’impegnader mantegna la pussanza exclusiva da la chaussa.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 8768831
Art. 885 A. Pledges / I. Establishment / 2. Pledge of livestock

Art. 884 A. Pledges / I. Establishment / 1. Possession by pledgee

A. Pledges

I. Establishment

1. Possession by pledgee

1 Except where otherwise provided by law, chattels may be pledged only by the transfer of possession of the chattel to the pledgee.

2 Any person who in good faith takes a chattel in pledge acquires a general lien over it, provided that third parties do not have rights over the chattel as a result of prior possession, even if the pledger had no authority to alienate it.

3 The general lien is not established as long as the pledger retains exclusive possession of the chattel. (2009-2021) - A propos
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