Index Fichier unique

Art. 859 B. Brev ipotecara registrada / III. Impegnaziun e giudida
Art. 861 C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri / I. Constituziun / 2. Titel ipotecar

Art. 860 C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri / I. Constituziun / 1. Inscripziun

C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri

I. Constituziun

1. Inscripziun

1 Per mintga brev ipotecara sin palpiri che vegn inscritta en il register funsil vegn adina emess in titel ipotecar.

2 La brev ipotecara sin palpiri po designar sco ses creditur il titular u ina persuna determinada, particularmain il proprietari dal bain immobigliar sez.

3 L’inscripziun posseda tut ses effects gia avant l’emissiun dal titel ipotecar.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 859 B. Register mortgage certificate / III. Pledging, distraint and usufruct
Art. 861 C. Mortgage certificate on paper / I. Creation / 2. Document of title

Art. 860 C. Mortgage certificate on paper / I. Creation / 1. Registration

C. Mortgage certificate on paper

I. Creation

1. Registration

1 The creation of a mortgage certificate on paper always requires an entry in the land register and a document of title

2 The bearer or a specific person, in particular the landowner, may be named as the creditor under the paper mortgage certificate.

3 The mortgage certificate shall take effect on registration even if the document of title has not yet been issued. (2009-2021) - A propos
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