Index Fichier unique

Art. 853 A. Mortgage certificate / XI. Discharge
Art. 855 A. Mortgage certificate / XII. Extinction / 2. Deletion

Art. 854 A. Mortgage certificate / XII. Extinction / 1. In the absence of a creditor

XII. Extinction

1. In the absence of a creditor

1 If there is no longer a creditor, or if the creditor waives his or her lien, the debtor has the option of either having the entry deleted or allowing it to remain in the land register.

2 The debtor also has the right to continue to use the mortgage certificate.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 853 A. Prescripziuns generalas / XI. Pajament
Art. 855 A. Prescripziuns generalas / XII. Fin / 2. Extincziun

Art. 854 A. Prescripziuns generalas / XII. Fin / 1. Mancanza da creditur

XII. Fin

1. Mancanza da creditur

1 Sch’i n’exista nagin creditur u sch’il creditur desista da ses dretg da pegn, po il debitur laschar extinguer l’inscripziun u la laschar vinavant en il register funsil.

2 Il debitur ha er il dretg da duvrar vinavant la brev ipotecara. (2009-2021) - A propos
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