Index Fichier unique

Art. 782 A. Object
Art. 7841B. Constituziun ed extincziun / I. Constituziun / 2. Grevezzas funsilas da dretg public

Art. 783 B. Constituziun ed extincziun / I. Constituziun / 1. Inscripziun e moda d’acquist

B. Constituziun ed extincziun

I. Constituziun

1. Inscripziun e moda d’acquist

1 Per constituir ina grevezza funsila dovri ina inscripziun en il register funsil.

2 L’inscripziun sto inditgar in tschert import en munaida naziunala sco sia valur totala; en cas da prestaziuns periodicas correspunda quest import – cun resalva d’ina autra cunvegna – a ventg prestaziuns annualas.

3 Per l’acquist e per l’inscripziun valan las disposiziuns davart la proprietad funsila, nun che quai saja reglà autramain.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 782 A. Object
Art. 7841B. Establishment and extinction / I. Establishment / 2. Public law real burdens

Art. 783 B. Establishment and extinction / I. Establishment / 1. Registration and form of acquisition

B. Establishment and extinction

I. Establishment

1. Registration and form of acquisition

1 A real burden is established by recording in the land register.

2 The entry must stipulate a total value for the real burden denominated in Swiss currency which, in the case of periodic payments and in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, shall equal twenty times the annual payment.

3 The provisions governing land ownership apply to the acquisition or registration of real burdens, unless otherwise provided. (2009-2021) - A propos
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