Index Fichier unique

Art. 74 C. Commembranza / V. Protecziun da l’intent da l’uniun
Art. 75a1Cbis. Responsabladad

Art. 75 C. Commembranza / VI. Protecziun dals dretgs dals commembers

VI. Protecziun dals dretgs dals commembers

Mintga commember che n’ha betg approvà conclus che violeschan la lescha u ils statuts po – tenor la lescha ed entaifer 1 mais suenter ch’el ha survegnì enconuschientscha da tals – contestar quels davant il derschader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 74 C. Membership / V. Protection of the objects of the association
Art. 75a1Cbis. Liability

Art. 75 C. Membership / VI. Protection of members

VI. Protection of members

Any member who has not consented to a resolution which infringes the law or the articles of association is entitled by law to challenge such resolution in court within one month of learning thereof. (2009-2021) - A propos
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