Index Fichier unique

Art. 694 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 7. Dretgs da passadi / a. Passadi necessari
Art. 696 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 7. Dretgs da passadi / c. Remartga en il register funsil

Art. 695 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 7. Dretgs da passadi / b. Auters dretgs da passadi

b. Auters dretgs da passadi

Ils chantuns pon decretar prescripziuns detagliadas che concernan il dretg dal proprietari d’in bain immobigliar da passar sin il bain immobigliar vischinant per pudair cultivar e meglierar ses agen bain immobigliar u construir sin quel; els pon er reglar il dretg da far diever dal bain immobigliar vischinant per arar, per bavrar, per traversar quel l’enviern, per trair u per runar laina e per chaussas sumegliantas.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 694 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 7. Rights of way / a. Necessary right of way
Art. 696 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 7. Rights of way / c. Notation in the land register

Art. 695 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 7. Rights of way / b. Other rights of way

b. Other rights of way

The cantons reserve the right to enact more detailed provisions which govern the landowner’s right to enter neighbouring land for the purposes of managing his or her own land or carrying out repairs or building works and which regulate rights of way for the purpose of tillage, watering cattle, transit over fallow ground or in the dead season, transit for timber gathering, and the like. (2009-2021) - A propos
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