Index Fichier unique

Art. 688 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 3. Plantas / b. Prescripziuns chantunalas
Art. 690 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 5. Drenaschas

Art. 689 B. Restricziuns / III. Dretg da vischinanza / 4. Deflussiun da l’aua

4. Deflussiun da l’aua

1 Mintga proprietari d’in bain immobigliar è obligà d’acceptar sin ses bain immobigliar l’aua che curra sin quel en moda natirala giu dal bain immobigliar sura, en spezial aua da plievgia, aua da naiv ed aua da funtaunas betg tschiffadas.

2 Nagin proprietari d’in bain immobigliar na dastga far donn al vischin cun midar il curs natiral da l’aua.

3 L’aua ch’è necessaria per il bain immobigliar sutvart dastga vegnir retegnida per il bain immobigliar survart mo uschenavant ch’ella è indispensabla per quel.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 688 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 3. Plants / b. Cantonal regulations
Art. 690 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 5. Drainage

Art. 689 B. Limitations / III. Law of neighbours / 4. Flowing waters

4. Flowing waters

1 Every landowner is obliged to receive the waters flowing naturally from a higher-lying parcel of land, such as rain water, melting snow and water from unchannelled springs.

2 No person may alter the natural course of flow to his or her neighbour’s damage.

3 Water flowing to a lower-lying parcel of land and required by that property may be withheld only to the extent that such water is indispensable to the higher-lying parcel of land. (2009-2021) - A propos
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