Index Fichier unique

Art. 671 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 1. Funs e material / a. Relaziun da proprietad
Art. 673 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 1. Funs e material / c. Attribuziun da la proprietad funsila

Art. 672 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 1. Funs e material / b. Indemnisaziun

b. Indemnisaziun

1 Sche la zavrada dal material na vegn betg fatga, ha il proprietari dal bain immobigliar da prestar ina indemnisaziun adequata per il material.

2 Sch’il proprietari dal bain immobigliar ha construì da mala fai cun material ester, po el vegnir sentenzià da reparar cumplainamain il donn.

3 Sch’il proprietari dal material era en mala fai cur ch’el ha construì sin in bain immobigliar ester, po l’indemnisaziun vegnir limitada a la valur minimala che la construcziun ha per il proprietari dal bain immobigliar.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 671 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 1. Land and building materials / a. Ownership
Art. 673 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 1. Land and building materials / c. Assignment of land ownership

Art. 672 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 1. Land and building materials / b. Compensation

b. Compensation

1 Where the materials are not removed from the land, the landowner must provide appropriate compensation for the cost of the materials.

2 Where the landowner on whose land the building work was carried out acted in bad faith, the court may award full damages.

3 Where the owner of the materials used in the building work acted in bad faith, the damages awarded may not exceed the minimum value of the building work to the landowner. (2009-2021) - A propos
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