Index Fichier unique

Art. 477 B. Dischertaziun / I. Motivs
Art. 479 B. Dischertaziun / III. Chargia da cumprova

Art. 478 B. Dischertaziun / II. Effect

II. Effect

1 Il dischertà na po betg sa participar a l’ierta e betg far valair il plant da reducziun.

2 Sch’il testader n’ha disponì nagut auter, va la part dal dischertà als ertavels legals dal testader, sco sch’il dischertà n’avess betg survivì il testader.

3 Ils descendents dal dischertà salvan il dretg sin lur part obligatorica, sco sch’il dischertà n’avess betg survivì il testader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 477 B. Disinheritance / I. Grounds
Art. 479 B. Disinheritance / III. Burden of proof

Art. 478 B. Disinheritance / II. Effect

II. Effect

1 The disinherited person may neither participate in the estate nor bring an action in abatement.

2 Unless disposed of otherwise by the testator, the disinherited person’s portion passes to the testator’s statutory heirs as if the disinherited person had predeceased.

3 The disinherited person’s issue retain their statutory entitlements as if he or she had predeceased. (2009-2021) - A propos
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