Index Fichier unique

Art. 449 G. Assessment in an institution
Art. 449b I. Inspection of files

Art. 449a H. Appointment of a representative

H. Appointment of a representative

If necessary, the adult protection authority shall order that the client be represented and appoint a person experienced in care-related and legal matters as deputy.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 449 G. Expertisa en in institut
Art.449b I. Invista da las actas

Art. 449a H. Ordinaziun d’ina represchentanza

H. Ordinaziun d’ina represchentanza

L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids ordinescha sche necessari la represchentanza da la persuna pertutgada e designescha sco procuratur ina persuna che ha experientscha en dumondas dal provediment e dal dretg. (2009-2021) - A propos
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