Index Fichier unique

Art. 443 A. Dretgs ed obligaziuns d’annunzia
Art. 445 C. Mesiras preventivas

Art. 444 B. Examinaziun da la cumpetenza

B. Examinaziun da la cumpetenza

1 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids examinescha d’uffizi sia cumpetenza.

2 Sch’ella chatta ch’ella na saja betg cumpetenta, transferescha ella la chaussa immediatamain a l’autoritad ch’ella resguarda sco cumpetenta.

3 Sch’ella ha dubis davart sia cumpetenza, tschertga ella in barat d’opiniuns cun l’autoritad, che vegn en dumonda dad esser cumpetenta.

4 Sch’i na po betg vegnir cuntanschì in consentiment malgrà il barat d’opiniuns, suttametta l’autoritad ch’è sa fatschentada l’emprim cun la chaussa la dumonda davart sia cumpetenza a l’instanza giudiziala da recurs.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 443 A. Notification rights and obligations
Art. 445 C. Precautionary measures

Art. 444 B. Verification of jurisdiction

B. Verification of jurisdiction

1 The adult protection authority shall verify its jurisdiction ex officio.

2 If it decides that it has no jurisdiction, it shall assign the case immediately to the authority that it regards as having jurisdiction.

3 If it is uncertain as to whether it has jurisdiction, it shall consult the authority that it believes may have jurisdiction.

4 If no agreement is reached after consultation, the authority originally involved shall refer the question of jurisdiction to the appellate authority. (2009-2021) - A propos
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