Index Fichier unique

Art. 327a A. Princip
Art. 327c B. Posiziun giuridica / II. Da l’avugà

Art. 327b B. Posiziun giuridica / I. Da l’uffant

B. Posiziun giuridica

I. Da l’uffant

L’uffant sut avugà ha la medema posiziun giuridica sco l’uffant sut tgira genituriala.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 327a A. Principle
Art. 327c B. Legal status / II. Of the guardian

Art. 327b B. Legal status / I. Of the child

B. Legal status

I. Of the child

A child subject to guardianship has the same legal status as a child subject to parental responsibility. (2009-2021) - A propos
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