Index Fichier unique

Art. 2641A. Adopziun da persunas minorennas / I. Premissas generalas
Art. 264b1A. Adopziun da persunas minorennas / III. Adopziun tras ina persuna suletta

Art. 264a1A. Adopziun da persunas minorennas / II. Adopziun cuminaivla

II. Adopziun cuminaivla

1 Consorts dastgan adoptar cuminaivlamain in uffant, sch’els mainan dapi almain 3 onns ina chasada cuminaivla e sch’els han tuts dus almain 28 onns.

2 Divergenzas da la vegliadetgna minimala èn pussaivlas, sche quai è necessari per mantegnair il bainstar da l’uffant. Ils consorts ston motivar la divaergenza.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I 1 da la LF dals 30 da zer. 1972 (AS 1972 2819; BBl 1971 I 1200). Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 17 da zer. 2016 (adopziun), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 2641A. Adoption of minors / I. General requirements
Art. 264b1A. Adoption of minors / III. Adoption by a single person

Art. 264a1A. Adoption of minors / II. Joint adoption

II. Joint adoption

1 Spouses may adopt a child jointly if they have been in the same household for at least three years and both are at least 28 years old.

2 Exceptions from the minimum age may be made if this is necessary for the welfare of the child. The spouses must justify the exception.

1 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 30 June 1972 (AS 1972 2819; BBl 1971 I 1200). Amended by No I of the FA of 17 June 2016 (Adoption), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877) (2009-2021) - A propos
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