272 Swiss Civil Procedure Code of 19 December 2008 (Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

272 Code de procédure civile du 19 décembre 2008 (CPC)

Art. 239 Notice to the parties and statement of grounds

1 The court may give notice of the decision to the parties without providing a written statement of the grounds:

at the main hearing, by handing over the written conclusions to the parties and giving an oral summary of the grounds;
by serving the parties with the conclusions.

2 A written statement of the grounds must be provided if one of the parties so requests within 10 days of the notice being given of the decision. If no statement of grounds is requested, the parties are deemed to have waived their right to challenge the decision by appeal or objection.

3 The above is subject to the provisions of the Federal Supreme Court Act of 17 June 200583 on notice of decisions that may be referred to the Federal Supreme Court.

Art. 238 Contenu

La décision contient:

la désignation et la composition du tribunal;
le lieu et la date de son prononcé;
la désignation des parties et des personnes qui les représentent;
le dispositif;
l’indication des personnes et des autorités auxquelles elle est communiquée;
l’indication des voies de recours si les parties n’ont pas renoncé à recourir;
le cas échéant, les considérants;
la signature du tribunal.

This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Ceci n’est pas une publication officielle. Seule la publication opérée par la Chancellerie fédérale fait foi. Ordonnance sur les publications officielles, OPubl.