272 Swiss Civil Procedure Code of 19 December 2008 (Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

272 Code de procédure civile du 19 décembre 2008 (CPC)

Art. 163 Right to refuse

1 A party may refuse to cooperate if:

the taking of evidence would expose a close associate as defined in Article 165 to criminal prosecution or civil liability;
the disclosure of a secret would be an offence under Article 321 of the Swiss Criminal Code (SCC)59; the foregoing does not apply to auditors; Article 166 paragraph 1 letter b third subset applies by analogy.

2 Other confidants entrusted with legally protected secrets may refuse to cooperate if they credibly demonstrate that the interest in keeping the secret outweighs the interest in finding the truth.

Art. 162 Refus justifié de collaborer

Le tribunal ne peut inférer d’un refus légitime de collaborer d’une partie ou d’un tiers que le fait allégué est prouvé.


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