220 Federal Act of 30 March 1911 on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

220 Loi fédérale du 30 mars 1911 complétant le code civil suisse (Livre cinquième: Droit des obligations)

Art. 524 III. Content

1 The beneficiary becomes part of the settlor’s household and the settlor is obliged to provide him such benefits as he might reasonably expect to receive in the light of the value of the assets transferred and his previous standard of living.

2 The settlor is obliged to provide the beneficiary with appropriate accommodation and maintenance and, in the event of his illness, with the necessary care and medical treatment.

3 Subject to approval by the competent authority, care homes may adopt house rules whereby such benefits are incorporated as generally binding contractual terms.

Art. 523 2. Sûretés

Le créancier qui remet à l’autre partie un immeuble y conserve, pour la garantie de ses droits, une hypothèque légale au même titre qu’un vendeur.


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