210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 764 a. Preservation of the object

1 The usufructuary must preserve the object in its original condition and of his or her own accord carry out such repairs and renovations as constitute normal maintenance.

2 If more substantial work or measures are necessary to protect the object, the usufructuary must inform the owner and allow such work to be carried out.

3 If the owner does not attend to the matter, the usufructuary is authorised to take the necessary steps at the owner’s expense.

Art. 763 3. Inventaire

Le propriétaire et l’usufruitier peuvent exiger en tout temps qu’un inventaire authentique des biens sujets à l’usufruit soit dressé à frais communs.


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