210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 590 2. Liability beyond the inventory

1 The heirs are not liable either personally or with the inheritance towards creditors of the estate whose claims were not included in the inventory because the creditors failed to register them in time.

2 Where such failure to register claims in the inventory was through no fault of the creditor or his or her claims were not included in the inventory despite having been registered, the heir is liable to the extent he or she is enriched by the inheritance.

3 In all cases, creditors may assert claims to the extent these are secured by a lien on the estate assets.

Art. 589 1. Responsabilité d’après l’inventaire

1 En cas d’acceptation bénéficiaire, la succession passe à l’héritier avec les dettes constatées par l’inventaire.

2 Les effets de ce transfert remontent au jour de l’ouverture de la succession.

3 L’héritier répond, tant sur les biens de la succession que sur ses propres biens, des dettes portées à l’inventaire.


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