210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 540 a. Grounds

1 A person is unworthy of inheriting or acquiring anything by a testamentary disposition if:

he or she wilfully and unlawfully caused or attempted to cause the death of the person now deceased;
he or she wilfully and unlawfully rendered the person now deceased permanently incapable of making a testamentary disposition;
by malice, coercion or threat he or she induced the person now deceased to make or revoke a testamentary disposition or prevented him or her from doing so;
he or she wilfully and unlawfully eliminated or invalidated a testamentary disposition in such a manner as to prevent the person now deceased from drawing up a new one.

2 Unworthiness to inherit does not apply if the person now deceased has forgiven the person concerned.

Art. 539 1. Jouissance des droits civils

1 Peuvent être héritiers et acquérir par testament ou pacte successoral tous ceux qui ne sont pas légalement incapables de recevoir.

2 Les libéralités faites dans un but déterminé à un groupe de personnes qui n’a pas la personnalité civile sont acquises à ces personnes individuellement, sous la charge de les appliquer au but prescrit ou, si cela n’est pas possible, constituées en fondations.


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