210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 479 III. Burden of proof

1 A disinheritance is valid only if the testator indicates the reason for the disinheritance in his or her testamentary disposition.

2 If the disinherited person challenges the disinheritance on the grounds that the reason therefor is incorrect, any heir or legatee wishing to benefit from the disinheritance must prove that the reason is correct.

3 Where no such proof may be adduced or no reason for the disinheritance is indicated, the disposition shall be upheld insofar as it does not deprive the disinherited person of his or her statutory entitlement unless it was made by the testator in obvious error regarding the reason for the disinheritance.

Art. 478 II. Effets

1 L’exhérédé ne peut ni réclamer une part de la succession, ni intenter l’action en réduction.

2 Sa part est dévolue, lorsque le défunt n’en a pas autrement disposé, aux héritiers légaux de ce dernier, comme si l’exhérédé ne lui avait pas survécu.

3 Les descendants de l’exhérédé ont droit à leur réserve comme s’il était prédécédé.


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