210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 347 1. Nature

1 The co-owners may entrust the exploitation and representation of the collectively owned property to one of their number on condition that he pay each co-owner a share of the net profit annually.

2 Unless otherwise agreed, such share is determined equitably on the basis of the average revenues generated by the property over a sufficiently long period and with due regard to the work done by the person managing it.

Art. 346 4. Partage

1 Le partage de l’indivision a lieu ou les parts de liquidation s’établissent sur les biens communs, dans l’état où ils se trouvaient lorsque la cause de dissolution s’est produite.

2 Ni le partage, ni la liquidation ne peuvent être provoqués en temps inopportun.


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