210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 193 D. Protection of creditors

1 The establishment, variation or liquidation of a marital property regime may not have the effect of releasing an asset with which one of the spouses or the marital union had hitherto been liable to creditors from such liability.

2 If such an asset has been transferred to the other spouse, the latter must pay the debt but may be released from such liability to the extent that he or she may prove that the asset received is worth less than the debt.

Art. 192 III. Liquidation du régime antérieur

Les époux procèdent à la liquidation consécutive à la séparation de biens conformément aux règles de leur régime antérieur, sauf dispositions légales contraires.


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