210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 129 3. Adjustment by court order

1 In the event of a substantial and enduring change in circumstances, the periodic maintenance payments may be reduced, cancelled or suspended for a certain time; an improvement in the circumstances of the party entitled to maintenance may be taken into account only if the payments stipulated in the divorce decree provided sufficient maintenance.

2 The party entitled to maintenance may request that the payments be adjusted in line with future inflation if the income of the other party has increased unexpectedly since the divorce.

3 Within five years of the divorce, the party entitled to maintenance may request that payments be ordered or increased provided the divorce decree states that it was not possible at that time to order sufficient maintenance payments and provided the economic circumstances of the party obliged to pay maintenance have since improved.

Art. 128 2. Indexation

Le juge peut décider que la contribution d’entretien sera augmentée ou réduite d’office en fonction de variations déterminées du coût de la vie.


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