Landesrecht 9 Wirtschaft - Technische Zusammenarbeit 95 Kredit
Internal Law 9 Economy - Technical cooperation 95 Credit

956.1 Bundesgesetz vom 22. Juni 2007 über die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz, FINMAG)

956.1 Federal Act of 22 June 2007 on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Financial Market Supervision Act, FINMASA)

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Art. 13 Personal

1 Die FINMA stellt ihr Personal öffentlich-rechtlich an.

2 Artikel 6a des Bundespersonalgesetzes vom 24. März 200027 gilt sinngemäss.

3 Die berufliche Vorsorge des Personals richtet sich nach der Gesetzgebung über die Pensionskasse des Bundes.

4 Der Verwaltungsrat regelt in einer Verordnung:

das Arbeitsverhältnis des Personals, insbesondere Entlöhnung, Nebenleistungen, Arbeitszeit, Treuepflicht und Kündigung;
die Zusammensetzung, das Wahlverfahren und die Organisation des paritätischen Organs des Vorsorgewerks der FINMA.

5 Er unterbreitet die Verordnung dem Bundesrat zur Genehmigung.

26 Fassung gemäss Anhang Ziff. 4 des BG vom 14. Dez. 2012, in Kraft seit 1. Juli 2013 (AS 2013 1493; BBl 2011 6703).

27 SR 172.220.1

Art. 13 Staff

1 The employment of FINMA staff is governed by public law.

2 Article 6a of the Federal Personnel Act of 24 March 200027 applies by analogy.

3 The occupational pension scheme for the staff is governed by the legislation on the Federal Pension Fund.

4 The Board of Directors regulates in an ordinance:

the employment of personnel and in particular salaries, additional benefits, working hours, duty of loyalty and termination of employment;
the composition, election and organisation of the Joint Committee for the FINMA Pension Fund.

5 The Board of Directors shall submit the ordinance to the Federal Council for approval.

Art. 13a28 Data processing

1 FINMA shall process, in hard copy or in one or more information systems, the data on its employees necessary for performing the tasks in accordance with this Act, particularly for:

creating, executing and terminating an employment relationship;
personnel and wage management;
personnel development;
performance appraisal;
reintegration measures in the event of illness and accident.

2 It may process the following data pertaining to its employees necessary for performing the tasks set out in paragraph 1, including sensitive personal data and personality profiles:

personal details;
state of health details with regard to working ability;
performance and potential information, as well as data on personal and professional development;
data required within the framework of participation in the implementation of social security law;
case files and authorities' decisions associated with work.

3 It shall issue implementing regulations with regard to:

the architecture, organisation and operation of the information system(s);
the processing of data, particularly gathering, storage, archiving and destruction;
data processing authorisations;
the data categories under paragraph 2;
data protection and security.

26 Amended by Annex No 4 of the FA of 14 Dec. 2012, in force since 1 July 2013 (AS 2013 1493; BBl 2011 6703).

27 SR 172.220.1

28 Inserted by Annex No II 16 of the Financial Institutions Act of 15 June 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2018 5247, 2019 4631; BBl 2015 8901).


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