172.010 Lescha dals 21 da mars 1997 davart l'organisaziun da la regenza e da l'administraziun (LORA)

172.010 Government and Administration Organisation Act of 21 March 1997 (GAOA)

Art. 53 Conferenza dals secretaris generals

1 Sut il presidi dal chancelier federal dirigia la Conferenza dals secretaris generals l’activitad da coordinaziun en l’administraziun federala.

2 Sch’i n’existan nagins organs da coordinaziun spezials per tschertas incumbensas u per tscherts affars, ademplescha la Conferenza sezza incumbensas da coordinaziun, en spezial per preparar affars dal Cussegl federal.

3 Tenor conclus dal Cussegl federal po ella tractar affars interdepartamentals e preparar tals per mauns dal Cussegl federal.

4 Il secretari general da l’Assamblea federala po sa participar cun vusch consultativa a la Conferenza dals secretaris generals.56

56 Integrà tras la cifra 3 da l’agiunta da la LF dals 8 d’oct. 1999, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2000 (AS 2000 273; BBl 1999 4809 5979).

Art. 53 Conference of Secretaries General

1 Under the leadership of the Federal Chancellor, the Conference of Secretaries General directs coordination activities in the Federal Administration.

2 Where no special coordinating body exists for specific tasks or items of business, the Conference is responsible for these coordination activities, in particular in preparing items of Federal Council business.

3 It may in terms of a Federal Council decree deal with interdepartmental issues and prepare these for the Federal Council.

4 The Secretary General of the Federal Assembly may take part in the Conference of Secretaries General in an advisory capacity.56

56 Inserted by Annex No 3 of the FA of 8 Oct. 1999, in force since 1 Jan. 2000 (AS 2000 273; BBl 1999 4809 5979).


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