1 Tgi che dovra il cedel electoral vid, po scriver sin la glista ils nums da las candidatas e dals candidats elegibels sco er la denominaziun da la glista u il numer d’ordinaziun d’ina glista.
2 Tgi che dovra in cedel electoral prestampà, po stritgar nums da candidatas e da candidats prestampads. Ins po er inscriver nums da candidatas e da candidats d’autras glistas (panaschar). Ultra da quai pon ins stritgar il numer d’ordinaziun e la denominaziun da la glista prestampada u remplazzar quels tras in auter numer u tras in’autra denominaziun.
3 Ins po scriver il num d’ina candidata u d’in candidat duas giadas sin il medem cedel electoral (cumular).
1 Any person who uses the ballot paper that is not pre-printed may enter the names of eligible candidates and add the list designation or reference number of an electoral list.
2 Any person who uses a pre-printed ballot paper may delete pre-printed candidate names; they may enter the names of candidates from other electoral lists (splitting the vote). They may also delete the pre-printed reference number and electoral list designation or replace the same with the number and designation of a different list.
3 They may enter the name of the same candidate on the ballot paper twice (accumulating).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.