101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

Art. 197 Disposiziuns transitoricas suenter l’acceptaziun da la Constituziun federala dals 18 d’avrigl 1999

1. Adesiun da la Svizra a l’ONU

1 La Svizra aderescha a l’Organisaziun da las Naziuns Unidas.

2 Il Cussegl federal vegn autorisà da drizzar al secretari general da l’Organisaziun da las Naziuns Unidas (ONU) ina dumonda da la Svizra da vegnir recepida en questa organisaziun ed in’explicaziun davart l’adempliment da las obligaziuns cuntegnidas en la Charta da las Naziuns Unidas157.

2.158 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 62 (Fatgs da scola)

A partir da l’entrada en vigur dal conclus federal dals 3 d’october 2003159 davart la refurma da la gulivaziun da finanzas e da la repartiziun da las incumbensas tranter la Confederaziun ed ils chantuns surpiglian ils chantuns las prestaziuns da fin uss da l’assicuranza d’invalids vi da la scolaziun speziala (inclusiv l’educaziun prescolara pedagogic-curativa tenor l’artitgel 19 da la Lescha federala dals 19 da zercladur 1959160 davart l’assicuranza d’invalids), fin ch’els disponan da concepts da scolaziun speziala ch’èn approvads dal chantun, almain dentant durant trais onns.

3.161 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 83 (Vias naziunalas)

Ils chantuns construeschan las vias naziunalas ch’èn enumeradas en il conclus federal dals 21 da zercladur 1960162 davart la rait da las vias naziunalas (stadi tar l’entrada en vigur dal conclus federal dals 3 d’october 2003163 davart la refurma da la gulivaziun da finanzas e da la repartiziun da las incumbensas tranter la Confederaziun ed ils chantuns) tenor las prescripziuns e sut la surveglianza suprema da la Confederaziun. La Confederaziun ed ils chantuns portan communablamain ils custs. La part dals custs dals singuls chantuns sa drizza tenor la grevezza che las vias naziunalas muntan per els, tenor lur interess per talas vias e tenor lur capacitad finanziala.

4.164 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 112b (Promoziun da l’integraziun d’invalids)

A partir da l’entrada en vigur dal conclus federal dals 3 d’october 2003165 davart la refurma da la gulivaziun da finanzas e da la repartiziun da las incumbensas tranter la Confederaziun ed ils chantuns surpiglian ils chantuns las prestaziuns da fin uss da l’assicuranza d’invalids vi da stabiliments, chasas da dimora e lavuratoris, fin ch’els disponan da concepts approvads dal chantun en favur dals invalids, che reglan la concessiun da contribuziuns vi da la construcziun e vi da la gestiun d’instituziuns che dattan accoglientscha a persunas extrachantunalas, almain dentant durant trais onns.

5.166 Disposiziuns transitoricas tar l’art. 112c (Agid als attempads ed als impedids)

Las prestaziuns da fin uss tenor l’artitgel 101bis da la Lescha federala dals 20 da december 1946167 davart l’assicuranza per vegls e survivents per l’agid e per la tgira dals attempads e dals impedids a chasa vegnan pajadas vinavant dals chantuns fin a l’entrada en vigur d’ina regulaziun chantunala da finanziaziun per l’agid e per la tgira a chasa.

7.168 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 120 (Tecnologia da gens en il sectur betg uman)

L’agricultura svizra n’utilisescha nagins organissems modifitgads geneticamain durant tschintg onns suenter che questa disposiziun constituziunala è vegnida acceptada. En spezial na dastgan ni vegnir importads ni vegnir mess en circulaziun:

plantas, parts da plantas e semenza modifitgadas geneticamain ch’èn ablas da sa multiplitgar e ch’èn destinadas per vegnir utilisadas or en il liber tar l’agricultura, tar l’orticultura u tar la selvicultura;
animals modifitgads geneticamain ch’èn destinads per la producziun da victualias e d’auters products agriculs.

8.169 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 121 (Dimora e domicil da persunas estras)

Il legislatur sto definir ed agiuntar ils causals tenor artitgel 121 alinea 3 e decretar las prescripziuns penalas davart l’entrada illegala tenor artitgel 121 alinea 6 entaifer maximalmain 5 onns dapi l’acceptanza da l’artitgel 121 alineas 3–6 tras il pievel ed ils chantuns.

9.170 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 75b (Abitaziuns secundaras)

1 Sche la legislaziun correspundenta n’entra betg en vigur entaifer dus onns suenter che l’artitgel 75b è vegnì acceptà, decretescha il Cussegl federal in’ordinaziun cun las disposiziuns executivas necessarias davart la construcziun, davart la vendita e davart l’inscripziun en il register funsil.

2 Permissiuns da construcziun per abitaziuns secundaras, che vegnan concedidas tranter il 1. da schaner da l’onn che suonda l’acceptaziun da l’artitgel 75b e la data che las disposiziuns executivas entran en vigur, èn nunvalaivlas.

10.171 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 95 al. 3

Fin che las disposiziuns legalas entran en vigur, decretescha il Cussegl federal las disposiziuns executivas necessarias entaifer in onn suenter che l’alinea 3 da l’artitgel 95 è vegnì acceptà dal pievel e dals chantuns.

11.172 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 121a (Regulaziun da l’immigraziun)

1 Contracts internaziunals che s’opponan a l’artitgel 121a ston vegnir tractads da nov ed adattads entaifer 3 onns suenter ch’el è vegnì acceptà tras il pievel ed ils chantuns.

2 Sche la legislaziun executiva n’è betg anc entrada en vigur 3 onns suenter che l’artitgel 121a è vegnì acceptà tras il pievel ed ils chantuns, decretescha il Cussegl federal per quest termin a maun d’ina ordinaziun las disposiziuns executivas transitoricas.

12.173 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art 10a (Scumond da cuvrir l’atgna fatscha)

La legislaziun executiva tar l’artitgel 10a sto vegnir elavurada entaifer 2 onns suenter che quel è vegnì acceptà dal pievel e dals chantuns.

13.174 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 117b (Tgira)

1 En il rom da sias cumpetenzas decretescha la Confederaziun disposiziuns executivas concernent:

la fixaziun da las prestaziuns da tgira che vegnan furnidas da tgirunzas e tgirunzs sin donn e cust da las assicuranzas socialas:
en atgna responsabladad,
sin ordinaziun d’ina media u d’in medi;
l’indemnisaziun adequata da las prestaziuns da tgira;
las cundiziuns da lavur adattadas a las pretensiuns per las persunas che lavuran en la tgira;
las pussaivladads dal svilup professiunal da las persunas che lavuran en la tgira.

2 L’Assamblea federala deliberescha las disposiziuns executivas legalas entaifer 4 onns suenter l’acceptaziun da l’artitgel 117b tras il pievel ed ils chantuns. Fin che las disposiziuns executivas legalas entran en vigur prenda il Cussegl federal – entaifer 18 mais suenter l’acceptaziun da l’artitgel 117b tras il pievel ed ils chantuns – mesiras efficazias per eliminar la mancanza da tgirunzas e tgirunzs diplomads.

14.175 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 118 al. 2 lit. b (Protecziun da la sanadad)

L’Assamblea federala deliberescha las disposiziuns executivas legalas entaifer 3 onns suenter l’acceptaziun da l’artitgel 118 alinea 2 litera b tras il pievel ed ils chantuns.

Data da l’entrada en vigur: 1. da schaner 2000176

156 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 3 da mars 2002, en vigur dapi ils 3 da mars 2002 (COF dals 5 d’oct. 2001, COCF dals 26 d’avr. 2002 – AS 2002 885; BBl 2000 2453, 2001 1183 5731, 2002 3690).

157 SR 0.120

158 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

159 AS 2007 5765

160 SR 831.20

161 L’art. 83 ha ussa ina nova versiun. Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

162 SR 725.113.11

163 AS 2007 5765

164 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

165 AS 2007 5765

166 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

167 SR 831.10

168 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da nov. 2005, en vigur dapi ils 27 da nov. 2005 (COF dals 17 da zer. 2005, COCF dals 19 da schan. 2006 – AS 2006 89; BBl 2003 6903, 2004 4937, 2005 4039, 2006 1061).

169 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2010, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2010 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2010, COCF dals 17 da mars 2011 – AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).

170 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 11 da mars 2012, en vigur dapi ils 11 da mars 2012 (COF dals 17 da zer. 2011, COCF dals 20 da zer. 2012 – AS 2012 3627; BBl 2008 1113 8757, 2011 4825, 2012 6623).

171 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 3 da mars 2013, en vigur dapi ils 3 da mars 2013 (COF dals 15 da nov. 2012 e dals 30 d’avr. 2013 – AS 2013 1303; BBl 2006 8755, 2008 2577, 2009 299, 2012 9219, 2013 3129).

172 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2014, en vigur dapi ils 9 da favr. 2014 (COF dals 27 da sett. 2013, COCF dals 13 matg 2014 – AS 2014 1391; BBl 2011 6269, 2012 3869, 2013 291 7351, 2014 4117).

173 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 7 da mars 2021, en vigur dapi ils 7 da mars 2021 (COF dals 19 da zer. 2020, COCF dals 31 da matg 2021 – AS 2021 310; BBl 2017 6447; 2019 2913; 2020 5507; 2021 1185).

174 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2021, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2021 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2021, COCF dals 11 d’avr. 2022 – AS 2022 240; BBl 2017 7724, 2018 7653, 2021 1488, 2022 894).

175 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 13 da favr. 2022, en vigur dapi ils 13 da favr. 2022 (COF dal 1. d’oct. 2021, COCF dals 11 d’avr. 2022 – AS 2022 241; BBl 2019 6883, 2020 7049, 2021 2315, 2022 895).

176 COF dals 28 da sett. 1999 (AS 1999 2555; BBl 1999 7922).

Art. 197 Transitional provisions following the adoption of the Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999

1. Accession of Switzerland to the United Nations

1 Switzerland shall accede to the United Nations.

2 The Federal Council shall be authorised to submit an application to the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) requesting Switzerland’s accession to the organisation, together with a declaration on the acceptance of the obligations contained in the UN Charter156.

2.157 Transitional provision to Art. 62 (School education)

From the date on which the Federal Decree of 3 October 2003158 on the New System of Financial Equalisation and the Allocation of Tasks between the Confederation and Cantons comes into force, the Cantons shall, until they have their own approved special-needs school strategies, but for a minimum of three years, assume responsibility for the current payments made by the Invalidity Insurance for special needs education (including the special needs pre-school education in accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Act of 19 June 1959159 on Invalidity Insurance).

3.160 Transitional provision to Art. 83 (National highways)

The Cantons shall construct the national highways listed in the Federal Decree of 21 June 1960161 on the National Highway Network (in its version valid on the commencement of the Federal Decree of 3 Oct. 2003162 on the New System of Financial Equalisation and the Allocation of Tasks between the Confederation and Cantons) in accordance with the regulations of and subject to the oversight of the Confederation. The Confederation and Cantons shall share the costs. The share of the costs borne by the individual Cantons shall be determined by the burden imposed on them by the national highways, their interest in these highways, and their financial capacity.

4.163 Transitional provision to Art. 112b (Promoting the rehabilitation of people eligible for invalidity benefits)

From the date on which the Federal Decree of 3 October 2003164 on the New System of Financial Equalisation and the Allocation of Tasks between the Confederation and Cantons comes into force, the Cantons shall assume responsibility for the current payments made by the Invalidity Insurance to institutions, workshops and residential homes until they have an approved strategy on people with disabilities that also regulates the granting of cantonal contributions towards the construction and running of institutions that accept residents from outside the relevant canton, but for a minimum of three years.

5.165 Transitional provision to Art. 112c (Aid for elderly people and people with disabilities)

The current payments under Article 101bis of the Federal Act of 20 December 1946166 on the Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance for assistance and care in the home for elderly people and people with disabilities shall continue to be paid by the Cantons until cantonal regulations on the financing of assistance and care in the home come into force.

7.167 Transitional Provision to Art. 120 (Non-human gene technology)

Swiss agriculture shall remain free of gene technology for a period of five years following the adoption of this constitutional provision. In particular, the following may neither be imported nor placed on the market:

genetically modified plants that are capable of propagation, parts of plants and seeds that are intended for agricultural, horticultural or forestry use in the environment;
genetically modified animals that are intended for the production of foodstuffs and other agricultural products.

8.168 Transitional provision to Art. 121 (Residence and Permanent Settlement of Foreign Nationals)

The legislature must define and add to the offences covered by Article 121 paragraph 3 and issue the criminal provisions relating to illegal entry in accordance with Article 121 paragraph 6 within five years of the adoption of Article 121 paragraphs 3–6 by the People and the Cantons.

9.169 Transitional provision to Art. 75b (Second homes)

1 If the relevant legislation does not come into force within two years of the adoption of Article 75b, the Federal Council shall issue the required implementing provisions on construction, sale and recording in the land register by ordinance.

2 Building permits for second homes granted between 1 January of the year following the adoption of Article 75b and the date on which the implementing provisions come into force shall be null and void.

10.170 Transitional provision to Art. 95 para. 3

Until the statutory provisions come into force, the Federal Council shall issue the required implementing provisions within one year of the adoption of Article 95 paragraph 3 by the People and the Cantons.

11.171 Transitional provision to Art. 121a (Control of immigration)

1 International agreements that contradict Article 121a must be renegotiated and amended within three years of its adoption by the People and the Cantons.

2 If the implementing legislation for Article 121a has not come into force within three years of its adoption by the People and the Cantons, the Federal Council shall issue temporary implementing provisions in the form of an ordinance.

12.172 Transitional provision to Art. 10a
(Ban on covering the face)

The implementing legislation for Article 10a must be drawn up within two years of its adoption by the People and the Cantons.

13.173 Transitional provision to Art. 117b (Nursing care)

1 The Confederation shall, within the scope of its powers, enact implementing provisions on:

specifying the nursing services that may be provided by nurses and paid for by social insurance:
on the nurse’s own initiative,
as instructed by a doctor;
the appropriate remuneration for the nursing services;
employment conditions that meet the requirements of persons working in nursing care;
opportunities for the professional development of persons working in nursing care.

2 The Federal Assembly shall approve the statutory implementing provisions within four years of the adoption of Article 117b by the People and Cantons. Before the statutory implementing provisions come into force, the Federal Council shall, within eighteen months of the adoption of Article 117b by the People and Cantons, take effective measures in order to address the shortage of qualified nursing staff.

14.174 Transitional provision to Art. 118 para. 2 let. b (Health protection)

The Federal Assembly shall approve the statutory implementing provisions within three years of the adoption of Article 118 paragraph 2 letter b by the People and Cantons.

Commencement Date: 1 January 2000175

155 Adopted by the popular vote on 3 March 2002, in force since 3 March 2002 (FedD of 5 Oct. 2001, FCD of 26 April 2002; AS 2002 885; BBl 2000 2453, 2001 1183 5731, 2002 3690).

156 SR 0.120

157 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

158 AS 2007 5765

159 SR 831.20

160 Article 83 has now been revised. Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

161 SR 725.113.11

162 AS 2007 5765

163 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

164 AS 2007 5765

165 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

166 SR 831.10

167 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Nov. 2005, in force since 27 Nov. 2005 (FedD of 17 June 2005, FCD of 19 Jan. 2006; AS 2006 89; BBl 2003 6903, 2004 4937, 2005 4039, 2006 1061).

168 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2010, in force since 28 Nov. 2010 (FedD of 18 June 2010, FCD of 17 March 2011; AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).

169 Adopted by the popular vote on 11 March 2012, in force since 11 March 2012 (FedD of 17 June 2011, FCD of 20 June 2012; AS 2012 3627; BBl 2008 1113 8757, 2011 4825, 2012 6623).

170 Adopted by the popular vote on 3 March 2013, in force since 3 March 2013 (FCD of 15 Nov. 2012 und 30 April 2013; AS 2013 1303; BBl 2006 8755, 2008 2577, 2009 299, 2012 9219, 2013 3129).

171 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 9 Feb. 2014 (FedD of 27 Sept. 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014; AS 2014 1391; BBl 2011 6269, 2012 3869, 2013 291 7351, 2014 4117).

172 Adopted by the popular vote on 7 March 2021, in force since 7 March 2021 (FedD of 19 June 2020, FCD of 31 May 2021 – AS 2021 310; BBl 2017 6447; 2019 2913; 2020 5507; 2021 1185).

173 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2021, in force since 28 Nov. 2021 (FedD of 18 June 2021, FCD of 11 April 2022 – AS 2022 240; BBl 2017 7724, 2018 7653, 2021 1488, 2022 894).

174 Adopted by the popular vote on 13 Feb. 2022, in force since 13 Feb. 2022 (FedD of 1 Oct. 2021, FCD of 11 April 2022 – AS 2022 241; BBl 2019 6883; 2020 7049; 2021 2315; 2022 895).

175 FedD of 28 Sept. 1999 (AS 1999 2555; BBl 1999 7922).


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