Sono puniti con la multa:
411 Nuovo testo giusta l’all. n. 8 della LF del 16 dic. 1994, in vigore dal 1° gen. 1997 (RU 1995 1227; FF 1991 III 1).
413 Ora: l’art. 341 cpv. 1
The following persons are liable to a fine:
1. any adult person who shared a household with a debtor who is deceased or has absconded and who fails to disclose full details of that debtor's assets and to make themselves available to the Bankruptcy Office (Art. 222 para. 2 DEBA410);
2. any debtor of a bankrupt who fails to report to the Bankruptcy Office within the time limit (Art. 232 para. 2 para. 3 DEBA);
3. any person who possesses items belonging to a debtor as a pledge or for any other reason and fails to deliver such items to the Bankruptcy Office within the time limit (Art. 232 para. 2 para. 4 DEBA);
4. any person who possesses items belonging to a debtor as a pledgee and fails to deliver such items to the liquidators after expiry of the time limit for realisation (Art. 324 para. 2 DEBA);
5. any third party who fails to comply with his duty to provide information and to deliver assets in accordance with Articles 57a paragraph 1, 91 paragraph 4, 163 paragraph 2, 222 paragraph 4 and 345 paragraph 1411 of the DEBA.
409 Amended by Annex No 8 of the FA of 16 Dec. 1994, in force since 1 Jan. 1997 (AS 1995 1227 1307; BBl 1991 III 1).
411 Now Art. 341 para. 1.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.