Droit interne 4 École - Science - Culture 41 École
Internal Law 4 Education - Science - Culture 41 Schools

412.10 Loi fédérale du 13 décembre 2002 sur la formation professionnelle (LFPr)

412.10 Federal Act of 13 December 2002 on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act, VPETA)

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Art. 9 Encouragement de la perméabilité

1 Les prescriptions sur la formation professionnelle garantissent la plus grande perméabilité possible au sein de la formation professionnelle ainsi qu’entre la formation professionnelle et les autres secteurs du système éducatif.

2 Les expériences, professionnelles ou non, la formation spécialisée et la culture générale acquises en dehors des filières habituelles sont dûment prises en compte.

Art. 9 Encouraging permeability within the education system

1 Regulations on the VET and professional education sectors shall ensure the greatest possible permeability both within the VET and professional education sectors as well as between the VET and professional education sectors and other sectors of the education system.

2 The professional or non-professional experience or technical or general skills gained outside usual formal education and training pathways shall also be recognised and/or validated where appropriate.


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