Droit interne 2 Droit privé - Procédure civile - Exécution 27 Procédure civile
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 27 Civil procedure

272 Code de procédure civile du 19 décembre 2008 (CPC)

272 Swiss Civil Procedure Code of 19 December 2008 (Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

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Art. 272 Maxime inquisitoire

Le tribunal établit les faits d’office.

Art. 273 Procedure

1 The court shall hold a hearing. It may dispense with the hearing only if the parties' submissions indicate that the facts are clear or undisputed.

2 The parties must appear in person if the court does not exempt them for reasons of illness or age or for other good cause.

3 The court shall attempt to find an agreement between the parties.


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