161.1 Federal Act of 17 December 1976 on Political Rights

161.1 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 1976 davart ils dretgs politics

Art. 76a

1 A political party may be officially registered with the Federal Chancellery:

if it has the legal form of an association in terms of Articles 60–79 of the Swiss Civil Code 155; and
if it is represented in the same name by at least one member in the National Council or by at least three members in each of any three cantonal parliaments.

2 For entry in the Register of Political Parties, the association shall file the following documents and information with the Federal Chancellery:

a copy of its legally valid constitution;
the name and headquarters of the party in accordance with the constitution;
the names and addresses of the president and secretary of the national party.

3 The Federal Chancellery shall maintain a register of the information filed by political parties. This shall be a public register. The Federal Assembly shall enact an ordinance to regulate the details of the register.

Art. 76a

1 Ina partida politica po sa laschar registrar uffizialmain tar la Chanzlia federala, sch’ella:

ha la furma giuridica d’ina uniun en il senn dals artitgels 60 fin 79 dal Cudesch civil svizzer155;
è represchentada sut il medem num cun almain ina commembra u in commember en il Cussegl naziunal ubain cun almain mintgamai trais commembras e commembers en trais parlaments chantunals.

2 Per sa laschar registrar en il register da las partidas inoltrescha l’uniun a la Chanzlia federala ils suandants documents e las suandantas indicaziuns:

in exemplar dals statuts giuridicamain valaivels;
il num statutar e la sedia da la partida;
ils nums e las adressas da las persunas che presidieschan e che mainan las fatschentas da la partida naziunala.

3 La Chanzlia federala maina in register cun las indicaziuns da las partidas. Quest register è public. Ils detagls regla l’Assamblea federala en in’ordinaziun.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.