272 Swiss Civil Procedure Code of 19 December 2008 (Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

272 Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung vom 19. Dezember 2008 (Zivilprozessordnung, ZPO)

Art. 321 Filing an objection

1 The objection must be filed in writing and with a statement of grounds with the appellate court within 30 days of service of a decision and grounds therefor or of the subsequent service of the statement of the grounds (Art. 239).

2 If the objection is against a decision taken in summary proceedings or against a procedural ruling, it must be filed within 10 days unless the law provides otherwise.

3 The contested decision or procedural ruling must be enclosed if it has been served on the party.

4 The objection on the grounds of undue delay may be filed at any time.

Art. 320 Beschwerdegründe

Mit der Beschwerde kann geltend gemacht werden:

unrichtige Rechtsanwendung;
offensichtlich unrichtige Feststellung des Sachverhaltes.

This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.