Landesrecht 2 Privatrecht - Zivilrechtspflege - Vollstreckung 22 Obligationenrecht
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 22 Code of Obligations

220 Bundesgesetz vom 30. März 1911 betreffend die Ergänzung des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches (Fünfter Teil: Obligationenrecht)

220 Federal Act of 30 March 1911 on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 492 I. Begriff

1 Durch den Bürgschaftsvertrag verpflichtet sich der Bürge gegenüber dem Gläubiger des Hauptschuldners, für die Erfüllung der Schuld einzustehen.

2 Jede Bürgschaft setzt eine zu Recht bestehende Hauptschuld voraus. Für den Fall, dass die Hauptschuld wirksam werde, kann die Bürgschaft auch für eine künftige oder bedingte Schuld eingegangen werden.

3 Wer für die Schuld aus einem wegen Irrtums oder Vertragsunfähigkeit für den Hauptschuldner unverbindlichen Vertrag einzustehen erklärt, haftet unter den Voraussetzungen und nach den Grundsätzen des Bürgschaftsrechts, wenn er bei der Eingehung seiner Verpflichtung den Mangel gekannt hat. Dies gilt in gleicher Weise, wenn jemand sich verpflichtet, für die Erfüllung einer für den Hauptschuldner verjährten Schuld einzustehen.

4 Soweit sich aus dem Gesetz nicht etwas anderes ergibt, kann der Bürge auf die ihm in diesem Titel eingeräumten Rechte nicht zum voraus verzichten.

Art. 493 II. Form

1 The contract of surety is valid only where the surety makes a written declaration and indicates in the surety bond the maximum amount for which he is liable.

2 Where the surety is a natural person, his declaration must additionally be done in the form of a public deed in conformity with the rules in force at the place where the instrument is drawn up. Where the liability under surety does not exceed the sum of 2,000 francs, it is sufficient for the surety to indicate the amount for which he is liable and the existence of joint and several liability, if any, in his own hand in the surety bond itself.

3 Contracts of surety in favour of the Confederation or its public institutions or in favour of a canton for the performance of public law obligations, such as customs duties, taxes and the like, and for freight charges merely require the written declaration of the surety and an indication in the surety bond itself of the amount for which he is liable.

4 Where the total liability is divided into smaller amounts in order to circumvent the formal requirement of a public deed, the formal requirements for contracts of surety for such partial amounts are the same as those prescribed for the total.

5 The sole formal requirement for subsequent amendments to the surety, except where the total liability is increased or the surety is transformed from a simple surety into a joint and several surety, is that they be done in writing. Where the principal obligation is assumed by a third party such that the debtor is released, the contract of surety is extinguished unless the surety has consented in writing to such assumption.

6 The formal requirements applicable to the contract of surety also apply to the conferral of special authority to enter into a contract of surety and the promise to stand surety for the contracting party or a third party. The parties may agree in writing to limit the surety’s liability to that portion of the principal obligation that is satisfied first.

7 The Federal Council may cap the fee payable for drawing up the surety bond as a public deed.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.